Background Artistes branch
Background artistes, represented through the Film Artistes’ Association (FAA) section of Bectu, are a growing part of the union.
Email to find out more about the union’s support.
Respect Charter
The aims of the FAA and Bectu’s Respect Charter are to recognise the significant role performed by Supporting Artistes in the film and TV industry, and to ensure fairness, respect and dignity at the work place. The Respect Charter sets industrywide standards of best practice and provides guidelines to be followed by everyone. Working together, Supporting Artistes, Casting Agents and Productions and their representatives, can ensure a positive and productive working environment for all.
The Respect Charter also covers potential issues that affect Supporting Artistes and upholds the right to respect and dignity at work, the right to work and earn a living, and protection from bullying and harassment.
Report poor employer conduct
The FAA branch of Bectu strive to make sure that all productions abide by the PACT/FAA agreement within 40 miles of Charing Cross. Branch members can report productions offering low paid work that falls outside the PACT FAA agreement by sending the details to
Once at work, branch members can also report instances of non-payments, poor treatment on set, including sub-standard holding areas, bullying or a refusal to honour ALL elements of the PACT FAA agreement, by completing this Case Form. Members of the FAA branch will then look into the production to see if anything can be done.
Background artistes work to the FAA Agreement, which is available for members to view here. You can find the most up-to-date FAA/Pact ratecard on our Ratecards page under FAA (Background Artistes) here.
Member benefits
Along with benefits shared by all members across Bectu Background Artiste members get advice on reputable agencies as well as the FAA rates app, designed specifically for Bectu members to help ensure you are being paid the right rate.
More about background artistes
As freelance workers, background artistes, often known as extras, provide an essential service to film makers and independent producers. Whilst these workers may not be in the foreground of a particular shot, their skills are vital to the quality of the final work.
Email to find out more about Bectu’s support for background artistes and to request an application form.
Whether we are talking about powerful crowd scenes in the latest blockbuster, the historical accuracy of a period drama, or a group shot in a favourite soap, background artistes bring vital skills, flexibility and knowledge to the production process.
The FAA, through Bectu, works to ensure that background artistes are properly recognised and justly rewarded for their contribution to film and programme-making.
Report poor employer conduct
Weather Guidance
This guidance reflects the Health and Safety legislation and Approved Code of Practice relating to reasonable working temperatures. This resource may be used by productions, assistant directors and Supporting Artistes as a guide to implementing best practice in respect to working, particularly outdoors with the increasing changes in weather conditions. Access the document here.