Agreements & Grading Schemes

Bectu has worked to negotiate a number of bargaining agreements, which cover workers across the board in film, TV and theatre. We also promote those agreements which ensure best practice such as APA and run a number of vocational grading schemes, which can be found below:

Advertising Producers’ Association (APA)

BBC Studios

Edinburgh International Festival

Film Artistes Association (FAA) Agreement

Independent Theatre Council (ITC)

ITV Agreements

Pact/Bectu Scripted TV Agreement

Pact/Bectu Major Motion Picture Agreement

Pact/Bectu Construction Crew Agreement

Society of London Theatres

UK Theatre

Plasterers Apprentice Scheme

Riggers Grading Scheme

Special Effects Grading Scheme

Stagehands Grading Scheme

National Theatre of Scotland

Advertising Producers’ Association

The Advertising Producers’ Association terms for crew working on commercials.

APA Recommended Crew Terms (July 2023)

APA Recommended Terms For Engaging Crew (Commercials) 2024

4 Creative/Channel 4 recommended terms for engaging crew on promotions

BBC Studios

The production guides issued by BBC Studios Scripted Productions for qualifying productions will be in effect for all new series in 2025 across BBC Studios Drama Productions, BBC Studios Comedy Productions, and River Pictures Productions.

BBCS Scripted Productions Working Practices Guide A

BBCS Scripted Productions Working Practices Guide B

Edinburgh International Festival

Bectu and the Edinburgh International Festival (EIF) have a long standing Agreement which governs the terms and conditions of employment for all non permanent, regularly employed and casual technical employees working on Festival Shows during the International Festival regardless of which theatre or venue they are working in.

Permanent employees in these venues work to their own year round in-house pay rates and contracts and conditions of service which Bectu has agreed with their employers, apart from get-outs. For get-outs of EIF shows all technical staff work to the Bectu/EIF get-out rates contained in the Agreement.

Edinburgh International Festival Society Agreement (June 2024)

Film Artistes Association (FAA) Agreement

Members working within the 40 miles from Charing Cross Zone on Pact productions will benefit from working under the agreed set of terms and conditions. This includes those working in Background Artiste, Doubling and Stand In roles. Bectu encourages all members, agents and productions to work to these terms as an industry standard.

To access the full FAA-Pact Agreement, you will need to be a member, and you will need to log in to access it.

If you are a producer or AD and need guidance on the Agreement please contact [email protected].

Rates are negotiated with Pact and updated regularly. Please check -under the FAA (Background Artistes) section – for the most up-to-date rates available here.

FAA/PACT Agreement 2022

Independent Theatre Council (ITC)

There are currently two agreements between Bectu and ITC. One covering freelance Theatre Producers and one for employed Technical & Administrative staff. They are both intended for workers in the small scale theatre sector.

ITC Bectu Technical and Administrative Collective Agreement 2024

Independent Theatre Council Bectu Independent Producers Collective Agreement

ITV Agreements

The union has a number of agreements with the ITV licence companies. In addition, a new national agreement — the Joint National Union Committee — was signed in January 2010. This agreement provides for formal negotiations at national level on pay and a number of other cross-company issues.

ITV Joint Union National Committee

Pact/Bectu Scripted TV Agreement

Pact/Bectu Scripted TV Agreement covering all key working terms and conditions for crew engaged on independent UK drama and comedy production and a guide drawn up in collaboration with our reps.

Pact/Bectu Scripted TV Agreement 2022

Pact/Bectu joint Scripted TV Agreement guidance, December 2023

Pact/Bectu Major Motion Picture Agreement

An agreement covering all the significant terms and conditions for crew engaged on major motion pictures with budgets equal to or in excess of £30 million pounds.

Major Motion Picture Agreement 2021

Pact/Bectu Construction Crew Agreement

Construction Crew Agreement 2025

Statement on Construction Grades and Applicability to Agreements

As of 1 September 2021, the agreement shall also apply to a single piece of theatric-type content (i.e., not a series) intended for a global SVOD (Subscription Video On Demand) platform with a production budget equal to or in excess of £30,000,000.

Society of London Theatres

The agreement between BECTU and SOLT (Society of London Theatres) covers West End theatres in London.

This agreement is for members only, please login to access this document. If you want more information about joining Bectu go here.

SOLT-BECTU Collective Bargaining Agreement 2017 (updated January 2024)

Buyout Contracts Under the SOLT Bectu Agreement Guide August 2022

UK Theatre

The agreement between UK Theatre and Bectu covers most commercial and subsidised theatres outside London.

This agreement is for members only, please login to access this document. If you want more information about joining Bectu go here.

UK Theatre / Bectu Agreement April 2017 (updated January 2019)

Buyout contracts under the UK Theatre Bectu agreement August 2022

Guide to implementing the Code of Conduct UK Theatre & Bectu January 2023

Plasterers Apprentice Scheme

The Plasterers Apprentice Scheme (PAS) provides a career structure for those involved in plastering work and is designed for plasterers entering and working in the film and TV industry. Its purpose is to develop new entrant’s skills through on-the-job plastering work and give new and existing film and TV plasterers the ability to demonstrate their competence to future engagers/productions.

The apprentice scheme consists of 4 years, from 1st year apprentice to 4th year improver. During this time applicants must demonstrate their competency, approach to work and experience gained in each year’s units through rigorous on the job training, with their skills and working methods recorded in a record book assessed by the HOD or Supervising Plasterer. Applicants also need to complete a portfolio/diary for each year of the scheme to act as complementary evidence to their record book. The portfolio should consist of photographic evidence of the work the applicant has undertaken during an engagement, along with a written summary of the process the applicant has implemented, and a list of the materials used. Work recorded in the portfolio should be signed and dated by both the applicant and the HOD/Supervising Plasterer. Each apprentice year consists of a minimum of 45 weeks of continuous certified employment. To see full breakdown of Scheme, please see the Rule Book.

Further to the logbook and portfolio, applicants must complete various health and safety training, recognising the importance that Plasterers are aware of the specific hazards that come up in the creative industries and are sufficiently trained in health and safety matters.

Once an applicant has completed the requirements of their respective apprentice year, their documentation will be assessed by the Bectu Plasterers Committee consisting of experienced Level 3 NVQ certified fibrous plasterers. Upon passing grading, applicants will receive as a PAS ID card and will be able to move to the subsequent apprentice year, culminating in being graded as a Certified Plasterer. Applicants can also choose to be placed on the ‘List of certified Plasterers’ on the Bectu website which will be publicly available for HODs, Supervisors and productions to show that they have been accredited through the Scheme.

Plasterers working in the Film and TV Industry that already possess a Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Fibrous Plastering or equivalent qualification can also be accredited through the scheme and be placed on the list of certified Plasterers by providing their NVQ and H&S documentation.

View the latest list of certified Plasterers here (this list is made up of accredited personnel who have given permission for their details to be published here).

Contact us here if you have any queries. To apply, simply fill out an application form (or web editable form) and send a copy of a passport style photo to [email protected].

Further guidance:

Riggers Grading Scheme

The Joint Industry Grading Scheme (JIGS) provides a career structure for those involved in rigging and scaffolding and is the only industry approved scheme. It also oversees the accreditation of special effects personnel, stunt performers and coordinators.

The Joint Industry Committee, which is made up of representatives from the BBC, ITV, Pact and Bectu, determines the levels of experience, training and responsibility required to hold the various job titles (grades) within the scheme. The committee meets on a regular basis to review submissions from individuals seeking grading or regrading at trainee, basic and advanced levels and to agree on accreditation.

The scheme, which has been in place for some 20 years, maintains skills levels in what can be a hazardous profession.  Equally important is the role the scheme plays in helping to ensure that productions are, or become, low risk ventures from both the completion and health and safety points of view.

View the latest list of accredited riggers and scaffolders (this list is made up of accredited personnel who have given permission for their details to be published here). Contact us if you have any queries. Use this form to apply for grading/regrading and to appear on the website listing.

Further guidance documents:

Special Effects Grading Scheme

The Joint Industry Special Effects Grading Scheme provides a career structure for those involved in physical, pyrotechnic and visual special effects.

There is a document that contains all of the relevant information on the management of this scheme including rules, appeals procedures, codes of practice, rates, job descriptions, etc.

The Joint Industry Committee (made up of representatives from the BBC, ITV, PACT, the major film companies and BECTU) determines the levels of experience, training and responsibility required to hold the various job titles (grades) within the scheme. Visit the JIGS site.

Special effects professionals are encouraged to join the scheme as trainees. As they receive training and their experience grows, they can apply for re-grading as technicians, senior technicians, and eventually, as supervisors. Non-members using the scheme pay £200 for each grading/re-grading application. See statement below.

Applicants seeking a Pyrotechnic grading will also need to download and complete a copy of the Weekly Pyrotechnic Log as well.

The structure of the Joint Industry Special Effects Grading Scheme is also used by employers (production companies, producers, etc.) to ensure that they are employing suitably experienced, qualified and responsible individuals. This system helps to ensure that productions are, or become, low risk ventures, both from the completion and health and safety points of view.

View the latest list  of accredited special effects operators.

Accredited special effects operators can apply to appear on the list.  All grading/re-grading applications should be submitted to [email protected] with ‘SFX Application’ specified in the subject line. It is advised that applicants retain original copies of documents and any supporting evidence. Non-members should pay the £200 fee by calling Bectu on 0207 346 0900.

The Board of JIGS Ltd has agreed that, in the interests of equity and fairness, non-members of Bectu who apply for grading in the SFX Grading Scheme should pay a fee of £200 to JIGS Ltd with their first application and a further fee of £200 on each occasion that they seek to be re-graded. Payment will be required before cards are issued. Applicants will be notified when their grading/re-grading has been finalised.

Stagehands Grading Scheme

The Bectu Logbook Stagehands Scheme (BLSS) provides a career structure for those involved in Stagehand work and is designed for Stagehands entering and working in the film and TV industry. Its purpose is to develop new entrant’s skills through on-the-job stagehand work and give new Stagehands and existing Stagehands the ability to demonstrate their competence to future engagers/productions. The Scheme will allow Stagehands to record their training and skills as well as give HODs and productions the confidence that when they’re hiring a Bectu Stagehand that has come through the Scheme, they’re hiring the best and most competent in the industry.

Each non-NVQ applicant must undertake rigorous on the job training, with their skills and working methods recorded in a logbook, with the HOD or Supervising Stagehand giving practical assessment of the work undertaken, including length of engagement, general approach to work, experience gained in the stagehands units listed (see rulebook), and ability and aptitude. Applicants must demonstrate their completion of units 1-10 after the conclusion of a minimum of 18 months (79 weeks) of continuous certified employment. For Scheme units and rules of the Scheme, please see the Rule Book.

Further to the logbook, applicants must complete and pass a ScreenSkills approved health and safety level 2 course through ‘The Production Safety Passport’ (PSP) scheme, recognising the importance that Stagehands are aware of the specific hazards that come up in the creative industries and are sufficiently trained in health and safety matters. For details about Bectu’s level 2 H&S course, please click here.

Once an applicant has completed these requirements, their documentation will be assessed by the Bectu Stagehands Committee consisting of experienced NVQ Stagehands and will be accredited as a BLSS Stagehand and receive a BLSS ID card and certificate of completion. Applicants can also choose to be placed on the ‘List of accredited Stagehands’ on the Bectu website which will be publicly available for HODs, Supervisors and productions to show that they have been accredited through the Scheme.

View the latest list of accredited Stagehands here (this list is made up of accredited personnel who have given permission for their details to be published here).

Contact us here if you have any queries.

To apply, simply fill out an application form and send copy of a passport style photo to [email protected]

National Theatre of Scotland

The agreement between Bectu and the National Theatre of Scotland covers the rates and conditions under which Freelances are engaged to work for the NTS.

Bectu/NTS agreement 2024-2025