Bectu’s equality and diversity work
Black Bectu network
This network for Global Majority people working in the creative industries is a way for Bectu to be able to listen to your experiences and concerns.
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Bectu’s Womens Equality Committee
The Bectu Women’s Equality Committee is made up of elected representatives from Bectu’s industrial divisions. The divisions represented are:
Regional Production Division
London Production Division
BBC Division
Arts and Entertainment Division
Independent Broadcasting Division
Every Bectu member is allocated to a branch on joining and multiple branches make up the divisions.
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Bectu’s Disabled Members’ Network
Bectu’s Disabled Members’ Network provides information and support to the union’s disabled members. We also encourage the active participation of disabled members in union affairs.
Disabled members network committee
The Network is over overseen by a committee made up of disabled representatives from each of the union’s five divisions (Arts and Entertainment,…
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Bectu LGBT+ Committee
LGBT+ Bectu members work together through the LGBT+ Committee and Network to build positive change across workplaces, including through building solidarity with fellow workers and other members across the union. Through the Committee and Network, members can campaign to ensure that workers who are LGBT+ have the same opportunities as everyone else: that they can work effectively, free of…
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Bectu Young Members Forum
Bectu’s Young Members Forum brings together members who are 35 and under.
We formed in 2012 to help Bectu to understand and represent the needs of young members.
We also work to promote the benefits of union membership to young people and provide an avenue for frank and open discussion on industry-related issues.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
We organise a number of social…
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Prospect Women’s Network
Prospect’s Women’s Network is an inclusive community bringing together women from across Bectu and Prospect union. Together we fight for gender equality and an end to discrimination at work.
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