Bectu LGBT+ Committee

Bectu LGBT logoLGBT+ Bectu members work together through the LGBT+ Committee and Network to build positive change across workplaces, including through building solidarity with fellow workers and other members across the union. Through the Committee and Network, members can campaign to ensure that workers who are LGBT+ have the same opportunities as everyone else: that they can work effectively, free of discrimination, bias, bullying, and harassment.

Find out more below, including how you can get involved as either an LGBT+ member or an ally, and how you can contact the committee.

What is the Bectu LGBT+ Committee?

The LGBT+ Committee drives Bectu’s work to develop, improve, and progress the equality and rights of LGBT+ members. The Committee comprises of LGBT+ Bectu members representing each Division of the Bectu Sector of Prospect. Committee members are elected annually. For more info on how Bectu is governed please see this page.

Join the Bectu LGBT+ Network

The Bectu LGBT+ Committee recognises that our voice is stronger when there’s more of us pitching in, sharing expertise, and campaigning together. Alongside formal committee meetings, the LGBT+ Committee holds regular meetings open to all members including an annual Big LGBT+ Meet-Up.

Join the LGBT+ Network

Whether you are LGBT+ or an ally, join the LGBT+ Network and feed into the work of the Committee.
I want to join the network

What can you do through the Committee and Network?

Members who get involved with the Committee or Network drive the union forwards on LGBT+ issues, including by:

  • building strategies to organise workers around LGBT+ issues, and contribute to the recruitment and retention goals of the union
  • sending delegates to the biannual Bectu Sector Conference
  • working with the union at a National and Divisional level to build awareness, solidarity, and campaigns that improve the experience LGBT+ members have at work
  • offering support to branches, reps, and union officers to better advise members, develop equality reps, and embed the work of the committee into branches
  • working with the Prospect LGBT+ Network, the TUC, and other trade unions to organise representation at Pride events locally and nationally to show our strength and support
  • sending delegates to the TUC LGBT+ conference to vote on issues which the TUC will then take forward.

Bectu at London Pride 2024 © Alexa Phillips

Campaigns and Events

The committee are developing an LGBT+ Inclusion Policy aimed at improving workplaces for both staff and freelancers across film, TV, Theatre, and Live Events. Join the Network to get involved with the working group. The committee particularly encourages the involvement of members who are trans+, non-binary, or gender non-confirming help build a Trans+ policy.

The Committee and Network plan a range of events across the year, including an annual Big LGBT+ Meet-Up, attendance at Pride events, socials, talks, and lunchtime chats, as well as regular open committee meetings.

How can I get involved?

LGBT+ Bectu member? You’re encouraged to stand for election to the Committee or pitch-in to the committee’s work via the Network. Allies are equally welcome to join the Network and get involved with the committee’s campaigns. To get more involved, contact your branch rep, branch official, or the Bectu LGBT+ Committee.

Bectu members and reps fly the flag at London Trans+ Pride 2023

Bectu members and reps fly the flag at London Trans+ Pride 2023. © Simon Lamrock.

Additional Resources

Bectu Resources

LGBT+ Equality – click here

Bullying and Harassment – click here

Building Trans Inclusive Cultures at Work – click here

Trans Equality Poster – click here

Other useful links

Pronouns Matter – click here

LGBT Foundation – click here

TUC Resources – click here 

Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline – click here


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