
Bectu statement on far-right violence

7 August 2024

The safety of news crews and other media and entertainment workers must be paramount, says Bectu.

Head of Bectu Philippa Childs said:

“We are shocked and appalled by the continuing far-right violence that has been taking place across the country. We recognise that many workers are experiencing real concern and fear following this surge in xenophobia and racism. We urge all employers to consider this and make sure they put in place all measures necessary to keep their workforce safe, including freelancers.

“We know this is a particularly difficult and unsettling time for Bectu members, many of whom are directly impacted as they work to bring the nation coverage of these events or are facing venue or event closures as a result of the unrest. They have our full support and we are speaking with broadcasters to ensure appropriate procedures are in place to protect staff, as well as freelance crew.

“Bectu as part of Prospect, joins the Trades Union Congress, calling for an end to the violence and intimidation, and for all those who perpetrate these acts to be brought to justice.

“No one should face violence, threats, intimidation or racism simply while carrying out their job. We condemn the appalling harassment and abuse of some media professionals that has occurred during the recent unrest.

“A free press and being able to report without intimidation or fear is an essential part of our democracy. The safety of news crews and other media workers must be absolutely paramount.”

Bectu members with queries or seeking support should contact their local Bectu official.

Bectu has produced a guide for journalists and media workers covering protests and demonstrations.

Download it here