How to run an effective meeting 

Want to learn how to run an effective meeting? This course will help you better prepare for a meeting and make sure you meet the objectives.

Professionals around a table in a meeting

Online and in person.
21 November 2024
Bespoke branch courses can also be organised.
4hrs combined
Delivered with How to take effective minutes
Level 2
Open to anybody on a branch committee
Ideally you will have completed Reps 1 or Effective Health & Safety
Book via your
Prospect organiser or Bectu official

Who is the course for?

You may wish to attend the other ‘how to’ courses in Effective public speaking, minute taking and branch roles.

Ideally attendees will have completed either ‘An effective Health and Safety rep’ or ‘Reps part 1’ and have an understanding of the function of the committee.

What will I learn?

  • To be able to prepare for the meeting
  • To be able to encourage meeting attendance
  • To be able to reach the objective of a meeting
  • To know what to do about disruptions in a meeting