Work in Fashion?

Join Bectu today
Help to build your fashion union Join Bectu

Whether you’re a stylist, assistant or in another role, you can be a part of building your fashion union by joining Bectu today.

About Bectu

Bectu represents more than 40,000 staff, contract and freelance workers in the media and entertainment industries. As the union for freelancers behind the scenes in the creative industries, your union is acutely aware of the issues freelancers face at work, as well as those facing employees.

The state of working conditions in the fashion industry has not been helped by the pandemic as outlined recently in Vogue, with financial instability and the mental health burden on workers in fashion both increasing. 

Following recent discussions facilitated by Fashion Roundtable between Bectu officials and fashion assistants, your union is now inviting workers in fashion, particularly fashion assistants and stylists, to join Bectu. The hope is that enough fashion workers will participate to form your own dedicated fashion branch and/or branches. A branch is a self-organising group within a union that organises in a particular sector and/or region.

As members, fashion freelancers get one-to-one advice on any aspect of their work, everything from whether their pay is above national minimum wage to bullying. Take advantage of our competitive Public Liability Insurance. This insurance would cover items in your custody and control at work up to £10,000, and it indemnifies you against any personal injury claims against you or claims against you related to damage of items at work not in your custody and control up to a limit of £10 million. It also include a personal accident insurance plan. For full details of the policy, please click here. We also offer legal and career support, and a wide range of member benefits.

We believe working in Fashion doesn’t have to be like ‘The Devil Wears Prada’. Join Bectu today and tell your colleagues that they can join and get involved to improve conditions in the fashion industry. Make sure to put ‘Fashion’ and then your job role in the form under the job title section when signing up.

Bectu Fashion UK State of the Sector Survey 2024

If you work in fashion and think things could be better, fill out your union’s State of the Sector survey here. This survey only takes a few minutes to complete. It will give your union the data needed to better understand what is happening in the fashion sector, raise awareness of its issues, and guide Bectu’s support for non-performance fashion workers.

To complete this survey, you must be a fashion worker in a non-performance role based in the UK. All responses will be anonymous, and information collected in this survey will be subject to Bectu’s Privacy Policy. To find out more about Fashion UK, please visit

 Fashion UK is a branch of Bectu, the first union branch dedicated to supporting non-performance creatives in the fashion sector. Please feel free to share the resources on this page to promote Bectu and this survey.

Survey resources

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Bectu_FashionUK_A4_poster V2

How much you’ll pay

Most members pay less than £16/month. Get a full breakdown of how much you can expect to pay to join Bectu here.

If you have any queries about how much you’ll pay contact us.

NB: If you have an existing problem and you are seeking the union’s immediate help or if you need any additional support during the online join process, please contact our membership team on 0207 346 0900 (office hours, Mon-Fri), so that we can talk to you about the arrangements for joining Bectu. You may need to pay a pre-existing issue fee.