Contact us

To contact Bectu, call 0300 600 1878, and select option 2, from 8.30am-6pm, Monday-Friday. For general info and media enquiries please use the email contacts below.

  • [email protected] for enquiries about your account, direct debit, lost passwords, subscription rate or other membership questions. To enable us to help you as quickly as possible, please include your membership number, date of birth, and/or home postcode.
  • [email protected] for employment matters.
  • Josie Emanuel for media enquiries.

Find your Bectu official

If you need to email your Bectu official there is a list on our ‘your union contacts‘ page. If you’re unsure who is representing you, please use one of our other contact options and we can advise you of the best person to speak to.

Postal address

You can write to us at:

100 Rochester Row

Tell us if you’re leaving your job
or if your circumstances change

If you move from unemployment to paid work, please let us know. We will need to amend your membership status to ensure you can receive employment-related advice.

Data compliance

Contact our data protection compliance officer at [email protected] if you wish to:

  • complain about how your personal data has been processed
  • make a subject access request
  • complain about how the request to access your data has been handled or how your complaint has been handled.

Office locations

Bectu’s headquarters is in London (see address above). We also have offices around the UK:

Bectu Midlands

5th Floor, Scala House, Holloway Circus
Queensway, Birmingham
B1 1EQ

Tel: 0121 632 5372

Bectu Wales

Unite House
1 Cathedral Road
Cardiff CF11 9HA
Tel: 02920 666557
Bectu Scotland
150 Brand Street
Glasgow G51 1DH

Tel: 0141 370 1590

Bectu North West

2nd Floor
401 Faraday Street
Birchwood Business Park

Tel: 0161 334 0171