
Theatre roadmap falls woefully short of what is needed, says Bectu

26 June 2020

Culture secretary Oliver Dowden has revealed a five-point plan for theatres to re-open.

The plan includes:

  • Stage One – Rehearsal and training (no audiences and adhering to social distancing guidelines)
  • Stage Two – Performances for broadcast and recording purposes (adhering to social distancing guidelines)
  • Stage Three – Performances outdoors with an audience plus pilots for indoor performances with a limited distance audience
  • Stage Four – Performances allowed indoors / outdoors (but with a limited distanced audience indoors)
  • Stage Five – Performances allowed indoors / outdoors (with a fuller audience indoors)

However there is no mention of the financial assistance that is needed for theatres.

Head of Bectu Philippa Childs said:

“This “roadmap” provides no dates, no clarity, no support and no certainty. It provides none of the things the industry is crying out for.

“It demonstrates, once again, how little understanding there is in government of what is happening in the industry right now and what is needed to help.

“Theatre workers are being made redundant now and theatres are going into administration now. We need a comprehensive plan and this announcement fails to address the key and pressing issues.

“A roadmap is fine – as long as you have enough fuel in the tank to get there. Many theatres don’t and this much awaited announcement falls woefully short of what is needed.”