
Scottish Government reverses cultural funding cuts following unions’ campaign

22 February 2023

Bectu has welcomed reports that the Scottish Government has abandoned its plans to cut funding for Creative Scotland, after unions campaigned against the proposed cuts and 15,000 people signed a petition calling for their reversal.

Creative Scotland has had nearly £6.6 million in funding restored. Bectu, alongside other arts and entertainment unions and the Scottish Trades Union Congress, earlier this week warned that the move would put thousands of arts workers and jobs at risk.

Bectu negotiations officer, Paul McManus, said:

“We’re pleased that John Swinney has recognised the strong arguments put forward by the STUC and Bectu and has reversed the planned £6.6m cut to cultural funding.”

“Creative Scotland now has an opportunity to help deliver on the Government’s Fair Work First principles, and make a real difference to the lives of many theatre workers who continue to struggle with low pay compounded by the cost-of-living crisis.

“Theatre workers have been leaving the industry in droves as they simply can’t afford to live off the low wages endemic in the industry.

“We urge Creative Scotland to target funding at those organisations who recognise the need to try and offset the worst effects of the cost-of-living crisis on low paid theatre workers, and who will proactively work with us and other industry unions.”