
Prospect secures furlough deal for National Trust staff on flexible hours contracts

9 April 2020

Prospect has negotiated protection for flexible hour contract staff in the National Trust.

These staff will be paid 100% furlough pay – on the basis of salary payments for the same month last year, or an average from the last twelve months, whichever is greater.

Flexible hour staff tend to be the lowest paid within the Trust – on the most precarious contracts, overwhelmingly female and under the age of 25.

The move follows earlier agreement between Prospect and the National Trust to furlough permanent staff on the basis of 100% of salary during the period of furlough.

Prospect was then approached to discuss separate proposals for staff on flexible hour contracts.

The union was committed to achieving the best deal possible for members and wanted to avoid any scenario which would create a division within the workforce or a two-tier agreement under which some staff would benefit from more than others.

National Trust branch president Paul Delaney said:

“The COVID-19 crisis put us in a difficult set of negotiations with National Trust management, not least having to conduct meetings via video conferencing which has been a steep learning curve for everyone.

“The agreements reached mean all of our members are being furloughed on 100% salary, including importantly our members on flexible hours (zero hours) contracts.

“This was particularly hard fought for and is an indication of our influence and strength as a trade union within the organisation.

“We also want to acknowledge the contribution made by the National Trust’s Board of Trustees.”

Furlough arrangements for all staff will be reviewed on an on-going basis, and in line with government’s CJRS commitments, at the end of May.