Prospect National Conference, 8-11 June, Birmingham

20 June 2024

More than 300 delegates, made up of senior reps from across Prospect and Bectu, attended Prospect’s National Conference in Birmingham, from 8-11 June.

As well as several days of conference business, delegates heard from guest speakers such as TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak (read more here) and took part in fringe meetings on issues such as the future of self-employment and a new deal for freelancers, and environmental action in the workplace.

Across the three days of conference business, more than 100 motions were debated and voted on; from rule changes and subscriptions to issues of policy and international affairs. Below is a summary of some of the key motions for Bectu members. You can view a full record of Prospect National Conference 2024 decisions here.

Pay and Employment

Alice Black from the Scottish Live Events Network carried a motion on behalf of the NEC to continue Prospect’s commitment to freelancers and the self-employed, and to build a campaign for a new manifesto for those workers, such as:

  • Empowering self-employed workers to act collectively to improve their working conditions.
  • Equalise sick pay for the self-employed, as part of wider reforms to financial support during illness.
  • Bring leave and flexibility entitlements for self-employed new parents into line with those enjoyed by employees.
  • Provide income security that reflects the risks faced by the self-employed


Richard Wilson from Scottish Live Events branch put forward his motion which addressed funding cuts for arts, culture and heritage. Conference carried this motion, which was supported by the NEC, to lobby the government and policy makers to recognise the significant social and economic benefits of the arts, culture and heritage, and priorities adequate funding to sustain and expand cultural programmes and institutions.

Equality and diversity

Christine Danniell for the NEC carried a motion on fighting and rooting out sexual harassment in workplaces as a trade union priority. Among the actions were the establishment of a confidential advice line to support members and to hold employers to account for their responsibility to eliminate harassment.

Delegates also voted to carry a motion calling on the NEC to use the general election as an opportunity to work with the new government to strengthen the Equality Act, ‘to ensure the most vulnerable members of the workforce, including those affected by disabilities, pregnancy and gender reassignment, are better protected.’

Delegates also voted for a motion from the BBC World Service branch looking at the ‘creation or review of Disability Leave policies’ that would enable workers to manage their conditions and reduce the stigma towards disability and chronic health issues.

Bectu Scottish Freelance branch also moved a motion that was overwhelmingly carried by delegates, calling on the union to lobby broadcasters and campaign to ensure that work in the creative industries is diversified across the nations and regions, and that diversity quotas are effective.


On behalf of the NEC, Satnam Ner moved a motion calling on Prospect to continue to lobby and campaign for a ‘just digital transition’ ensuring that the reshaping of jobs and workforces works to the benefit of all through the right training and reskilling, commitments to job security and positive employment opportunities.

The future of self-employment

A fringe event on Monday afternoon included a panel discussion and a Q&A with delegates, who considered Prospect’s manifesto for the self-employed and what steps the next government could take to implement the necessary policies to better employment rights for freelancers, after the upcoming general election.

Chaired by NEC member and Production Manager Alice Black, panellists included Head of Bectu Philippa Childs, Senior Researcher at the Fabian Society and Labour Party parliamentary candidate Sasjkia Otto and Liz Briggs from Bectu’s Unscripted branch.

You can read more about our priorities for a future government in addressing many of the challenges freelancers and the self-employed face in our general election manifesto.

This is just a snapshot of conference outcomes; you can view a full record of Prospect National Conference 2024 decisions here, as well as updates from each day of conference below.

Read a wrap up of Sunday’s conference business here.

Read a wrap up of Monday’s business here.

Read a wrap up of Tuesday’s business here.