
PAX panel: unionising the Games & Tech Industries

17 September 2020

Prospect are organising with Tech & Games workers in the UK, but the union movement in tech is happening all over the world.

At PAX, one of the largest game conventions in the world, we joined a panel with organisers from America, Ireland, Sweden, and Switzerland to talk about progress so far, challenges, and next steps.

‘Anyone can organise. Everyone has something in them. There are so many different things you can do, and it’s exactly the fact that you do have those differences that are the strength of the entire movement.’

We talk about experiences and success stories, about the workers we’ve encountered and about how our own journeys into the trade union movement started. We talk about the communities we’ve found through union work and how they’ve made our work better, and we talk about how everyone has the strength and ability to build a union.

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