
No ifs, no buts, it’s time to join a union

Sam Gipson · 4 November 2020

In these uncertain times, there has never been a more important time to join a trade union. One of the main reasons people give for not joining is that they have never been asked. So, why not ask a colleague or friend? Here, we take a look at the questions that could come up.

It’s too expensive’

It’s value for money – a premium service that offers peace of mind and security. It’s not as expensive as losing your job and having no one to fight your corner. Membership includes free legal advice.

Many members think of it as the price of a cup of coffee each week.

‘I can get all the benefits without joining’

You may get a tiny proportion of the benefits if your workplace has collective bargaining, but you won’t get a voice in those negotiations. You will also miss out on a huge range of other benefits, including proper representation at disciplinary or grievance meetings, which leaves you vulnerable.

By being part of a democratic process, such as consultation and negotiation, you have a voice.

The more members we have, the stronger we become and the more protection we can offer. “Freeloading” can undermine the strength of the union, with a negative effect on deals and agreements. It doesn’t help anyone.

‘I’m a freelance/self-employed/contract worker, so I can’t join’

Yes, you can! Bectu is one of the top unions in the UK organising freelance and self-employed workers.

We have national agreements covering pay and conditions and provide ratecards so you can check what you should be paid. We negotiate collectively on behalf of freelancers and the self-employed with HMRC over tax issues.

We led on lobbying the Treasury and Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport over the plight of freelance and self-employed workers when COVID-19 closed down our industries, and continue to press for government financial support for all those who have been excluded.

If someone isn’t paid for a freelance job, they can come to the union for assistance in getting the company to pay up.

‘It won’t make a difference’

All workers’ rights have been won because of unions – think the weekend, national minimum wage, annual leave, family-friendly policies, health and safety rights etc.

This year, unions have been at the forefront of ensuring workers get a fair deal during the pandemic, whether through the furlough or Self-employment Income Support schemes or a safe return to workplaces. Clearly, there’s much more to do – but it’s unthinkable where we’d be without unions.

‘I’m too busy’

You can join online in just a few minutes. Also, if you get actively involved, you can help yourself and your colleagues – that’s a very good use of your time.

‘Aren’t you affiliated to the Labour party?’

No – we’re not affiliated to any political party. The only people we answer to are our members. We are, however, politically active and campaign at the highest levels to protect our members and their industries.

‘I don’t want to go on strike’

At Bectu we see a strike as a last resort and it only happens if members vote in favour of action and the union’s National Executive Committee approves it.

Most of our members have never been on strike, because negotiation usually settles disputes. But sometimes it can be worth going on strike to get a better deal.

In 2018 the threat of strike action by BECTU and the NUJ was enough to bring Al Jazeera management to its senses and deliver a pay award of 6%.

‘I’ve had a bad experience with unions in the past’

We’re here to ensure that workplace situations can be resolved by being part of our collective. We value our members’ views and work hard to make sure you have a good experience of being a Bectu member.

‘It could harm my career’

Learning new skills and having access to training opportunities will help your career, not harm it. Lots of our members have cited how being part of the union has helped them get promotions or new jobs.

‘I’m worried about management reprisals’

Everybody has the right to join a union. You’re actually more likely to be targeted if you’re not a union member. Anyhow, your employer doesn’t even need to know that you’re a member.

‘My manager is a member’

The union is inclusive so every staff member can join. If you ever had a dispute with your manager, the union would find different reps for each of you to ensure that you received a fair and unbiased outcome.

‘No-one asked me!’

Well, we’re asking you now! Will you join Bectu?

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