
Head of Bectu Philippa Childs responds to King’s Speech

17 July 2024

Responding to the King’s Speech at the State Opening of Parliament, Head of Bectu Philippa Childs says:

“Bectu has long campaigned for a new deal for the UK’s self-employed and freelance workforce, and we welcome the new government’s commitment to an Employment Rights Bill in today’s King’s Speech. We have written to the government about the need to improve rights and protections for the self-employed; and we will be keeping a keen eye on the draft legislation and how it impacts all workers in the creative industries.

“We’re pleased to see the new government’s focus on skills, with the Skills England Bill, and welcome its commitment to breaking down barriers to working in our world-class creative industries. The sector continues to be plagued by cyclical retention problems and skills shortages, and it’s critical that we now see a sustained, coordinated, and collaborative approach from the government to prioritise not only skills development but also retention of skills.

“For too long self-employed and ‘freelance’ workers have received a raw deal, despite their critical contribution to the economy and our cultural life.  We look forward to working with the new government to ensure that their flexibility and skills are recognised and supported.”