
Bectu responds to review into BBC social media guidelines and new rules for flagship presenters

28 September 2023

Responding to a review into BBC social media guidelines published today, Head of Bectu Philippa Childs said:

“We welcome the publication of this important review and are pleased to see the nuanced approach applied to freelancers who work outside news, current affairs and factual journalism.

“No organisation will get it right all the time, but having clear and comprehensive guidance in place from the outset can help mitigate confusion and uncertainty for all those working for the broadcaster.

“As we have made clear, it’s critical that any guidance is not only nuanced but also proportionate, and is applied consistently across the organisation. The BBC must also strike a balance between maintaining its impartiality and freedom of expression.

“It is now important that the corporation takes on board the review’s recommendations and, moving forward, is consistent in how it applies its social media guidance, both to protect its reputation and provide much-needed clarity for staff and freelancers working at the BBC.”