
Bectu responds to publication of the Labour Party Manifesto 2024

14 June 2024

Bectu welcomes the Labour Party’s commitment to backing our brilliant creative industries. Covid-19, post-Brexit touring restrictions, the cost-of-living-crisis and the huge impact of last year’s US industrial disputes have shown that the sector is crying out for a strategy and the workforce badly needs a government that will put its money where its mouth is.

Head of Bectu Philippa Childs said:

“Any party with ambitions to govern needs to recognise the interdependent nature of the creative industries and accordingly commit to investment across the whole of the sector. This will require balancing efforts to encourage inward investment whilst ensuring that UK talent, stories and independent production can thrive.

“It’s critical that careers in the sector are open to all and we welcome the commitment to removing barriers to access for underrepresented groups and voices. To bring this about – and to retain diverse talent – will require structural change, sustained funding and recognition of the economic and social power of the sector.

“Education settings, outreach projects and community groups will all have a part to play. As will the end of chronically low pay in much of the sector; we also welcome Labour’s commitment to take action on late payments for the self-employed.

“It’s great to see the BBC being recognised as a global asset and this election is an important opportunity to reset the nation’s relationship with our oldest and largest public service broadcaster. For too long used as a punching bag for political expedience, this is a chance to reframe the BBC as a respected UK institution, serving the nation, an incubator for UK talent and a lever for soft power on the global stage. All with the highest standards of accountability.