
Bectu reaches agreement with SOLT and UK Theatre on Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

6 April 2020

Bectu and leading theatre employer bodies have reached an agreement to allow for the implementation of the government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS).

Bectu has been working with the Society of London Theatres and UK Theatres to ensure that they maximise use of the scheme, which in most cases will see employees being paid 80% of their salary.

Government guidance means that any full-time employees, part-time employees, employees on agency contracts and those on flexible or zero-hour contracts can be furloughed.

Once furloughed, employees are entitled to up to 80% of their earnings, which is capped at £2,500 a month, through the CJRS.

Bectu will continue working with organisations to ensure that they take full advantage of the scheme and that they include as many people within scope of being furloughed, including extending fixed term contracts and re-hiring those on PAYE who stopped working for the employer on or after 28 February. Bectu are also challenging companies who are not calculating the average wage for those people whose wage varies due to overtime and other premium payments.

As well as maximising use of the government scheme Bectu is calling on both organisations to refrain from making any significant changes to the terms and conditions that people are employed under.

Head of Bectu Philippa Childs said:

“We welcome these agreements with both SOLT and UK Theatres and will be emphasising that employers should be considering what else they can do to support their staff during these challenging times.

“Bectu believes that early termination of contracts should only be used as a last resort and we expect employers and companies to maximise the scheme and stand by their employees and workers.

“The crisis should not be used as an excuse by any employer to change substantive terms and conditions and any changes should be  limited to the period of furlough only.”

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