Sustainable Workplaces

In 2019 the UK government announced a climate and environmental emergency and wrote into law a commitment to become carbon neutral by 2050. The responsibility lies with all of us to go beyond this challenge and adopt sustainable ways of living and working right now.

On this page, we want to highlight a range of practical guidance and advice for members who would like to help make the creative industries more sustainable and set an example for others to follow to make our industries green.

Bectu Sustainability logo

The climate crisis we face is not limited to particular industries. In the report ‘A Screen New Deal’ released in 2020 by BFI, Albert and Arup, they found the average carbon footprint of a tentpole production with a budget of $70 million, to be 2840 tonnes of CO2. In comparison, the average UK home emits 4.5 tonnes of carbon each year from use of gas and electricity. This means that for one film with a budget of $70 million dollars, the same amount of CO2 is released into the atmosphere as the entire carbon budget of 631 homes in a year. Read the new 2021 Subtitles to Save the World report which looks at how much climate change related content is mentioned on TV.

Bectu members have worked on Blue Planet and other film, TV and theatre productions telling the story of what is at stake. Our members are powerful storytellers but they also want to create sustainable workplaces that serve as both the standard for our industry to strive for and an example to others to make sure we end this climate crisis and secure our future.

Go to our Sustainability Campaigns page Click here to learn more

Sustainability Resources

Bectu members have created industry and role specific resources for making workplaces more sustainable. If your branch has created similar guides, please get in touch with your branch officials.

Below you will find a useful guide from our Camera Branch on ‘Working sustainably within camera’ and we will continue to add new advice and guidance to this page.

Our London Production Division Sustainability Sub Divisional Committee (LPD SSDC) is working to  collaborate on issues related to sustainability that affect us all. If you’re an LPD member and interested in getting more involved please contact the LPD SSDC. If you are a member in another Bectu division, please contact your branch official.

Bectu Camera Branch guide ‘Working sustainability within camera’

Download the guide

Bectu Art Department Branch Guide ‘Working sustainably within Art Department’

Download the guide

Fight the climate crisis at work Join Bectu