Get to know Bectu
What is a trade union?
Trade unions are organisations made up of members who come together to look after their rights and interests at work.
Who are Bectu and what do we do?
Bectu is the union for creative ambition. We represent nearly 40,000 staff, contract and freelance workers in the media and entertainment industries.
What are branches?
Branches are the key organising unit in the union. Branches form the basis of representation to other advisory or policy-making bodies in the union structure.
What are reps?
Representatives (reps) are members who have volunteered to take a more active role in the union. They are crucial in getting members’ views heard at a local and national level.
Our campaigns
As well as lobbying on local issues in our members’ workplaces, Prospect also delivers national campaigns that affect a wider range of members.
How we’re governed
Unions are run by members. Bectu is a sector of Prospect, which has an elected National Executive Committee (NEC) that is made up of representatives who make key decisions about what and how we deliver for our members.