Bectu’s Disabled Members’ Network

Bectu’s Disabled Members’ Network provides information and support to the union’s disabled members. We also encourage the active participation of disabled members in union affairs.

Disabled members network committee

The Network is over overseen by a committee made up of disabled representatives from each of the union’s five divisions (Arts and Entertainment, BBC, Independent Broadcasting, London Production and Regional Production).

Chaired by Rebecca Jarvis, the committee advises the union on:

  • compliance with disability law and codes of practice
  • provides access to specialised knowledge in the disability field
  • makes a report to the union’s conference
  • publishes an occasional newsletter and news briefings.

Contact us

The Bectu Disabled Members’ Network can be contacted via the union’s organising officials Jessica Glaisher and Jane Rodger. Bectu is affiliated to Disability Rights UK, TUDA, the Trade Union Disability Alliance.

Useful links

Watch our job sharing webinar presented by the Disabled Members’ Network on 22 November 2023

These two pages provide guidance and good practice to help in understanding and using the New Equality Act.

The below document (also attached to this page) reveals the extent of harassment experienced by disabled people. It includes case studies and makes recommendations to public authorities.

More useful links

* Bectu is affiliated to these organisations.

Skills and recovery

The impact of coronavirus on ways of work, and on the economy, means many workers are at risk of redundancy. Others find work changing or are thinking about new skills and career options.

Unions are experienced at helping people gain skills, change roles or handle redundancy. Union learning reps (ULRs) and Union Learning Fund projects support people in many workplaces. At unionlearn we develop resources and partnerships to help. And from signposting, career information and free learning many of our resources included here can be used by all.

Fighting for equality at work

Prospect representatives have a great track record of challenging inequality in the workplace and winning for members. Click here for a look back over some of the legal highlights for Prospect members in the last decade.