Disability equality hub

For an equal and inclusive workplace

At Bectu, we believe everyone should be treated fairly at work. Our disability equality hub contains resources to support reps and members if they are facing challenges in the workplace and case studies of successful legal cases.

Read our guidance on disability equality Bectu resources
12 September 2021
In July, the UK Government published the new National Disability Strategy. The strategy…
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Bectu's legal rights webinar on 15 July 2020. Top, webinar host Naomi Taylor and Prosect/Bectu president Ann Jones; below, legal officer Frances Cusack and head of legal Morion Scovell
16 July 2020
COVID-19 has thrown up many issues and anxieties for all workers, but these are…
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19 December 2019
A Prospect member who worked for the Ministry of Defence (MOD) has won compensation for…
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