Bectu campaigns
Dignity at Work
BBC: A Licence To More
The A Licence To More campaign celebrates the value of the BBC as more than a licence fee. The BBC’s funding model has been under threat in recent years, putting the future of our members’ jobs in jeopardy.
Anything Doesn’t Go
The Anything Doesn’t Go campaign aims to tackle increasing and extreme anti-social behaviour from UK theatre audiences to protect theatre workers.
Race To Be Heard
The Race to be heard campaign call for an independent racism reporting body in the UK broadcasting sector, to help support and sustain diversity within the industry.
Work To Live
The Work To Live campaign aims to improve working conditions in TV drama. We need a more sustainable industry for crew, many of whom are suffering from burn out and low morale and are unable to sustain a family life and their own wellbeing.
Live Events Network
Bectu branches are running campaigns to make workplaces and our industries more sustainable.
Click read more to find guidance and resources that will give members the tools to make the creative industries more sustainable.
Prep And Wrap: Time’s Up!
The aim of the Prep and Wrap: Time’s Up campaign is to lobby the industry to bring the TV Drama agreement into line with the Major Motion Picture agreement so that there is a maximum of 30 minutes prep and 30 minutes wrap each day before overtime payments kick in.