Health and safety
Bectu is committed to promoting health, safety and welfare at work and protecting people from workplace accidents and injury. We want workers to enjoy healthy lives and good work in which they can flourish.
Work that enables people to live fulfilled and healthy lives, unharmed by workplace risks, is good for them and their families and promotes health equality.
Bectu expects:
- our members and their colleagues to return home from work in good health and without injury
- employers to set the tone for health and safety at work to be promoted and managed in collaboration with the workforce
- our appointed health and safety representatives to support these aims and give their co-workers a voice in decisions that may affect their health, safety and wellbeing.
Bectu support is provided centrally by:
- the NEC health and safety advisory sub-committee, which deals with concerns our members raise through national conference and steers our health and safety priorities
- Garry Graham, deputy general secretary and secretary to the above committee
- our research team.