Resources for reps
Not all Bectu reps wear capes, but all reps are superheroes. All the benefits of Bectu membership are only possible because of your dedication and hard work.
There are over 5,000 Prospect/Bectu reps and we want to support you as best we can. This hub houses a range of resources to help you in the vital work you do in both online and in person organising and recruiting.
Key dates and awareness days
Help grow our union
A calendar of awareness days, weeks and months for anybody who wants to plan events and campaigns, or organise digitally in the workplace.
How healthy is your branch?
Reps handbook
Top tips for organising online
Life post COVID-19 has made traditional organising more tricky. Although workplaces are increasingly moving towards a blended way of working, a new set of online skills are needed alongside the classic stalls in canteens and posters next to the water cooler.
We have put together some top tips which you can use to help you organise your branch better online which you can download as a PDF or view below.
Plus find our number one top tip in our guide to talking about your union for help in talking to colleagues.
For resources to help you recruit and organise in your workplace go to our Ambition page including:
- logos and brand guidelines
- recruitment flyer and bunting PDFs
- Publisher and Word templates for event posters, newsletters and more
- PowerPoint templates.