Live Events Network health and safety incident monitoring privacy notice

This privacy notice sets out how your union will use your personal data when you submit an Incident form to Prospect. Please note that Bectu is a sector of Prospect.

Data Controller

For the purposes of this research, Prospect.

The purpose of processing

Your Live Events Network Sub-Divisional Committee has set up a system to track incidents, accidents, and health concerns.

The information will also be used to take action on incidents when requested.

Lawful basis for processing

Prospect is processing this information based on its legitimate interest, which is to meet your union representatives’ objective to protect and represent the interests of their members and to maintain and improve conditions of employment.  Your union has a legitimate interest to ensure the health and safety of its members in the workplace.


Prospect will only use the information to take specific action when the member consents.

Categories of Data

  • Personal details
  • Contact details
  • Employment details
  • Details about accidents, incidents, or health issues
  • Action you would like your union to take

Special Category Data

  • Trade union membership
  • Health & Injury details

Special category data

The special category data collected will be processed based on Prospect’s legitimate interest and its legitimate activities as your trade union.

Explicit consent

Prospect will only use the information to take action when members explicitly consent.

What Prospect does with the data

The data provided will be stored in a database and shared with relevant Bectu staff and Live Events Network Sub-Divisional Committee members. The information will be analysed and used to help safety reps and Prospect raise issues with employers, the Government, regulatory bodies, and any relevant associations. Any information shared outside of relevant Bectu staff and the Live Events Sub-Divisional Committee members will be anonymised..

When members specifically indicate they want assistance, the matter will be referred to an official.

Data sharing

Data will be shared with relevant Bectu staff and the Live Events Network Sub-Divisional Committee. Anonymised data may be shared with relevant external bodies to campaign on Health and Safety issues.

International transfers

The form was created in Google Forms and is accessible online via Google. The data may be stored outside as well as inside the UK in line with the Google Privacy Policy.

How long do we keep this information?

Prospect will retain the information for three years. This is in line with the legal requirement to bring personal injury claims within three years.

What are your rights?

You have the right to request access to your personal data.

The right to correct inaccurate data.

The right to the erasure of personal data in certain circumstances

The right to restrict the use of your personal data.

The right to object to the use of your personal data.

The right to complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how Prospect has processed your personal data.

Contact Details for Data Controllers

Prospect, 100 Rochester Row, London, SW1P 1JP.

Telephone: 0300 600 1878

Prospect’s Data Protection Compliance Officer is Tracey Hunt, who can be contacted for further information or if you wish to make a complaint. The DPO can be contacted at [email protected].

For independent advice about data protection or if you wish to make a complaint, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:

Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.