What is transfer of undertakings (TUPE)?

Last updated: 11 Apr 2024

Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employments) – otherwise known as TUPE – is legislation that aims to safeguard employees’ rights when a business or organisation transfers to a new employer.

TUPE’s basic principle is that employees transfer with their work and their jobs are protected.

Is TUPE relevant to me?

The regulations are relevant to Bectu members in both the private and public sectors. Takeovers, mergers and insolvency in the private sector, and a massive programme of privatisation and contracting out in the public sector have increased in the last 20 years.

Bectu and other unions have campaigned to ensure that employees’ rights are protected as far as possible in the event of a change of employer. We have successfully represented members’ interests in situations where TUPE has applied and will continue to do so.

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